
Function creates form. In this case, how should we understand the embryological development?

Function creates form. In this case, how should we understand the embryological development ? In general the embryological lecture is limited to the description of the earliest form of the human shape. A clear and useful explanation regarding the beginning of it is usually missing. On the other hand the description, regarding the metabolic and morphokinetic fields from prof. Blechschmidt, provides a dynamic explanation for all the metabolic events. An explanation with clear understandable principles and mechanisms. These do not only lead to an extended theoretical knowledge, but can also be diagnostically and therapeutically used in osteopathy.

Composition of the course
The course ‘anatomy and ontogenesis’ contains four seminars and each seminar consists in four days. The seminars are consistent with the chronology of development.

For information and registration, please contact / W kwestii wszystkich dat i zapisów prosimy o kontakt na adres mailowy: kursy@systema.com.pl

Lectured by:


March 31, 2022 - October 8, 2023
4 days
Class days

09:00 - 18:00 (last day 12:40)

Course location
Wroclaw, Poland
see website systema
Accreditation points (NRO)
Accreditation points (ACPVO)
Accreditation points (VOD)
10 points per day

Course dates

Anatomie & Ontogenesis
Basic PrincMarch 31 - April 3, 2022
Hom. Neu.October 6 - 9, 2022
Hom. Visc.March 30 - April 2, 2023
Hom. Int.October 5- 8, 2023

Note: Registration is final after confirmation and payment.


  • The syllabus of the seminar.
  • Additional learning material in PDF format.

Not included:

  • Travelling expenses
  • Hotel

Course dates

Anatomia i ontogeneza

Seminarium 1: Podstawowe zasady pól metabolicznych i morfokinetycznychMarch 31 - April 3, 2022
Seminarium 2: Układ czaszkowo-kręgowo-krzyżowyOctober 6 - 9, 2022
Seminarium 3: Układ trzewnyMarch 30 - April 2, 2023
Seminarium 4:

Układ sercowo-naczyniowy, moczowo-płciowy, ruchowy

October 5- 8, 2023

Cykl 4 seminariów, który opisuje i wyjaśnia różne wzorce rozwojowe oraz ich znaczenie kliniczne dla diagnozy i leczenia. Większość zasad osteopatycznych zostanie zilustrowana funkcjonalnym znaczeniem tych wzorów. Treść sięga do oryginalnych idei A.T. Still’a o formie i funkcji.

For information and registration

For information and registration, please contact / W kwestii wszystkich dat i zapisów prosimy o kontakt na adres mailowy: kursy@systema.com.pl

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Life as a verb