
Function creates form. In this case, how should we understand the embryological development ? In general the embryological lecture is limited to the description of the earliest form of the human shape.


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    Wroclaw, Poland

    June 12, 2025 - November 22, 2026

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    August 28, 2025 - February 7, 2027

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    Kraków, Poland

    April 24, 2025 - October 11, 2026

Function creates form

In this case, how should we understand the embryological development ? In general the embryological lecture is limited to the description of the earliest form of the human shape. A clear and useful explanation regarding the beginning of it is usually missing.

On the other hand the description, regarding the metabolic and morphokinetic fields from prof. Blechschmidt, provides a dynamic explanation for all the metabolic events. An explanation with clear understandable principles and mechanisms. These do not only lead to an extended theoretical knowledge, but can also be diagnostically and therapeutically used in osteopathy.

Composition of the course

The course ‘anatomy and ontogenesis’ contains four seminars and each seminar consists in four days. The seminars are consistent with the chronology of development.

A&O1: basic principles of the metabolism fields 
In the first seminar the basic principles and different mechanisms are closer illustrated. This is about the so-called early metabolic fields. They are applied in the study of the first two weeks of development. Several examples will show that analogies exist between the osteopathic concept and Blechschmidts concept. At the same time the practical meaning for osteopathy will be explained in more detail from a diagnostic and therapeutic point of view.

A&O2 : Homunculus neurocranii
In the second seminar we study the development of the nerve system in a larger context of the word itself. It is comparable to the study of the osteopathy and the cranio-vertebro-sacral system. It is the first organ system that clearly differentiates and therefore it is being discussed first. This will be done by the application of the so-called early metabolic fields that are complemented by the so-called late (morphokinetic) metabolic fields. Terms like dura-girdles are clarified and existing structures, like for example the zygoma, get a new meaning.

A&O3 : Homunculus viscerocranii 
In the third seminar the theme is the study of osteopathy and the visceral system. Via the neurocranii (chronology) the study will continue with the description of the different digestive organs. Hereby there will be made a clear difference between the concepts of metabolism and digestion. Partly for this reason these organs get a new additional meaning overall.

A&O4 : homunculus interni 
This fourth seminar, osteopathy vascular – urogenital – parietal, is the final part. Not only the missing parts will be explained in their development but in this weekend it will also become clear that these organs and organ systems form a result from the previous two homunculi. This has concrete consequences for the daily practice.


The course "Embryology" is a multi-year course. Invitations to the following seminars will automatically follow after registration. A participant has to start at the beginning but may end his participation at any time.

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