Morphokinetics in practice

Significance of the morphokinetic patterns for osteopathy

Studies about human ontogenesis have demonstrated that the morphokinetic patterns mean a fundamental basis for form and function.

The specific properties of the morphokinetic patterns are a palpatory starting-base for the osteopathic diagnose, the differential diagnose, and also for the therapeutic aspect.

Construction of the course:

The embryologic germ layers are brought in relation with specific morphokinetic patterns. The patterns are resumed in an anatomo-physiologic paradigm that is related to the germ layer and consists of the following germinal derivates: ; Homunculus neurocranii (ecto), Homunculus viscerale (endo) and Homunculus interni (meso).

Under the capital title “Morphokinetic patterns, about diagnose and therapy” the following courses are organised in relation to the germinal derivates:

  • Basic principles for diagnosis and treatment
  • The cranio-vertebro-sacral system (Homunculus neurocranii)
  • The visceral system (Homunculus viscerocranii)
  • The locomotor, cardiovascular and urogenital system (Homunculus interni)

For information and registration, please contact / W kwestii wszystkich dat i zapisów prosimy o kontakt na adres mailowy:

Lectured by:


May 12, 2022 - December 3, 2023
4 days
Course location
Wroclaw, Poland
see website systema
Accreditation points (NRO)
Accreditation points (ACPVO)
Accreditation points (VOD)
10 points per day
English, Polish

Course dates

Morphokinetics in practice
Basic princMay 12 - 15, 2022
Cran. V. Sacr.Decembe 1 - 4, 2022
VisceroMay 20 - 23, 2023
Locom-UGNovember 30 - December 3, 2023

Note: Registration is final after confirmation and payment.


  • The syllabus of the seminar.
  • Additional learning material in PDF format.

Not included:

  • Travelling expenses
  • Hotel

For information and registration, please contact / W kwestii wszystkich dat i zapisów prosimy o kontakt na adres mailowy:

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